About Us
Pleasing God and being His feet on the ground is a life’s work so we are not discouraged when we “miss it” or make a mess. We believe these things happen, but the end game is completely worth it all. We get up every day to try and encourage our neighbors to try as well. All of us are bursting with potential!
When we worship, we seek to please God. When we meet, we have His delight in mind. When we evaluate, when we plan, when we go out into the world, always it is with an aim to touch His heart. This is because we believe when Jesus is lifted up, He draws all men unto Himself and what men need most is encounter with Jesus Christ.
Jesus is completely magnetic and fascinating. He is the light of the world. He is the Word become flesh. This is why any person, any age can access the Word of God, even children. In fact, we have found children access Him first. In our ministry we value children as brothers and sisters and their role is honored in our House. They do not have to wait to lead.
God loves holy places, or spaces which are set apart just for Him. He is not one who wants to visit, but One who loves to dwell. He also loves to spend time with people. His heart to do everything with us is unbelievable! A prayer room is a place set apart for God to come and stay, to rule and reign, to love and save those who encounter Him there. It is not a space where wickedness, demonic voices, or lies are allowed to remain, but where peace is established and people are given the gift of clearly seeing God for who He is and making a choice to join Him. Open Heavens exist over prayer rooms.
When we think of a prayer room, we compare it to a greenhouse because the environment there is uniquely designed for rapid growth. Prayer rooms are places where people get launched deeper still into truth and are helped to find out what God wants and agree with Him in it. Our prayer room is full of relational expressions like music, spoken words, art, written words, and other demonstrations of love and affection. Created in God’s image, we know our emotions, mind, heart and imagination all help us to know Him more, connecting with Him to develop trust and becoming who He designed us to be. The prayer room is a space where we express our heart safely and all are uniting in this one thing: that we may dwell in the House of the Lord and gaze upon His beauty being changed by all we see in Him.
Our calling today and tomorrow is to offer this kind of space to our community and to the world wherever God sends us. We love giving Him a place to be with His people where they experience the Kingdom while they are in this time and space.
Prayer Room
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). Children are easy receptors. They enter the Kingdom quickly without hindrances or filters. This makes children brilliant access points for Heaven to break into the earth.
Children are people with destinies now. Their destinies are not only tomorrow. They have giftings, callings, anointings and roles to play in the Body today. We cannot afford to wait until they are older. We need our children today. Children can hear God’s voice. They are able to follow Jesus’ leadership and be Spirit-filled. There is not an age or maturity for hearing and following Jesus, it is the Spirit who enables us to hear God. When a child receives the Spirit of God and yields to God’s heart, they get in agreement with Him and bring Heaven to earth.
We value children as people, not anything less. We believe God has given each one of them a destiny when He created them in the womb (Psalm 139) and that He has plans for their future (Jeremiah 29:11). We are intentional in this House about valuing every child and uncovering his/her destiny and making it known to the community. We want to cheer them on! We long to be their greatest fans. We thank God for each child as a gift to us.
Can children preach? Prophesy? Pastor? Open time and spaces? Bring heaven to earth? Yes. There is a time of preparation for ministry but it isn’t limited to an age group or milestone. It is determined by God, the timing of their mission and their cooperation with Him.
In our House we actively believe our ceiling is the next generation’s floor. We pursue this by telling God stories, building legacies, removing puzzling and the need to learn the “hard way,” delighting in our children running ahead and releasing control of our kids in exchange for faith in our kids and trust in our God.
We commit to giving kids opportunities, experimental spaces, and including them according to their incredible value as God’s beloved ones. Along with the opportunities in our house we host Ohio Signs & Wonders Camp every summer where kids get to come, try and experience the presence of the Lord in a safe environment.