Worship is foundational at Dayton SHOP. We believe when Jesus is lifted high, He draws all men unto Himself – no exceptions (John 12:32). Therefore, when we worship we are drawn into deeper connection with God. This is highly valuable to us as we desire relationship with God above everything else.
Our intention in every worship time is to see Jesus and keep our whole self-focused on Him. This is why we do not display the lyrics of our songs, but use a lot of repetition instead. Our goal is to move from reciting songs to fruitful meditation, where we are really able to dwell on what we are confessing. A worship or song road map is not guiding us; Holy Spirit takes the lead. In this sense worship at SHOP is very intimacy driven.
In all our times of worship our aim is pleasing God because we know when He is pleased, people get everything they need or could ever imagine to want. This is how we evaluate our times of worship and why don’t hesitate to participate in prophetic acts. We believe God wants to do everything with us and all we have to do is make the time and space for Him to come.
All of our sets are available on Facebook via livestream or archive. We also archive all of our past sets so you can watch them whenever you’d like. If you hear a song and can’t find it online it’s probably a song written by one of our worship leaders yet to be recorded or a prophetic song written in the moment. Scroll down to view our released albums. You can find these songs on Apple Music and Spotify.
We have 4 worship sets available in person or online each week. Our Lunchtime Prayer Sets are an hour long and begin at noon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Abide is our Saturday night set that goes for 2 hours and begins at 7pm. We know an 1-2 hours is a long time to sit in worship and prayer, it takes training and time to be able to sit in the presence of the Lord for that long. Come for as long as you can and leave when you’d like. Our prayer room is set up to allow for people to come and go and move around as they please, you won't be an interruption. Feel free to pace, dance, wave a flag or express your worship in whatever way.